The Wall Elements Book
This November a Moscow based photographer Alexey Partola published a book featuring 25 profiles of the best Russian artists with strong graffiti background. Each profile includes an interview and a 1x1m canvas made by each of the artists especially for the book.
Typespaces Book
Just received a book called 'Typespaces. Typography in Three-Dimensional Spaces' that includes my typographic sculptures made for Nike in 2008 and 2010. Published by Basheer Graphic Books, Singapore, in 2013, it illustrates the usage of letters and symbols in architecture, outdoor, indoor, and furniture, and showcases works by Max Rippon, Ben Eine, Mitsutomo Matsunami, and dozens of other artists and studios from all over the world.
Brands & Illustrators
Monsa, Barcelona included some of my commercial works for Nike and a small UK clothing brand in their book Brands & Illustrators. The book features commissions by illustrators from all over the world made for different brands. The cool thing is that you can see my working process in a step-by-step manner from a sketch to a vector illustration to the final product.
Great Idea: Petite Typeface
Honored to have my works featured in the book Great Idea: Petite Typeface published by Designerbooks, Hong Kong earlier this year. The book focuses on typography and original ways of working with letters. You will find alphabets, logos, words and phrases made out of wood, paper, cardboard, polystyrene, plasticine, fabric, yarn, and even dough! Artists from around the world make letters look fresh and cool on stationary, posters, t-shirt designs, murals, sculptures, cookies, and many more. Big ups to the Designerbooks team!
Russian Sneaker Magazine 'Ked'
A Russian magazine called Ked (Russian for 'a sneaker') has put sneakers with my graphics on the cover of their special August issue #16. The issue is dedicated to the Reebok City Classics collection, and features interviews with its curator Stash, art director Swizz Beatz, and myself, as well as profiles of all the artists who participated in the project. Big ups to Stash, Reebok, and Dmitri Egorov from Ked!
Sneaker Freaker #10
The Russian edition of the Australian magazine Sneaker Freaker has featured my illustration for the Reebok City Classics project along with the shoe with my graphics on the cover of their issue #10. The article about the City Classics collection showcases all of the twelve sneaker designs made by the invited artists, as well as two designs made by Stash, the curator of the project. Thanks to Stash, Reebok, and Sneaker Freaker! By the way, the City Classics shoes are already available in many shops across the globe.
Vector Illustration
I had some of my works featured in Vector Illustration, a book published by Monsa, Barcelona this year. It showcases vector works by both famous and up-and-coming artists with a background in graphic design, animation, advertising etc. Big ups to Marc Giménez!
Zupi , April 2013
Honored to have my plywood multilayer artworks, including the most recent ones, featured in a special edition of a Brazilian magazine Zupi. The issue also includes profiles of a Swedish artist Michael Johansson, Jen Stark from the US, and other artists.
Monokrome, Vol. 2
After one failed attempt to get the book I've finally laid my hands on it. Don't rely on the Russian post service, ever! I'm honored to have my work featured along with works by Bates, Loomit, Shok1, Suiko, and other writers. Big ups to Rob Whitelock! The selection of my works from 2007-2011 is pretty cool. It includes wall pieces, a canvas, polystyrene and plywood artworks, as well as some digital illustrations.
Choi's Gallery Vol. 16
The Wolf sculpture, I made last year for Nike's new store in Moscow, was featured in Choi's Gallery Magazine, China. This 220-page issue showcases packaging, identity, posters, promotional materials and the like from 200 graphic designers from all over the world. I'd like to share some spreads from the mag with you.